Published on 2020-08-28 by
Glenda Fidalgo
Travels To Cuba Available For British Tourists
British tourists can plan unrestricted trips to Cuba, where they will be able to go when flights are resumed in the post-COVID-19 stage, Antony Stokes, UK ambassador in Havana, reported on Twitter.
The British diplomat affirmed that the Caribbean island is exempt from the notice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) against non-essential international travels, issued last February, due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus.
This decision recognizes the Cuban response to the pandemic, he said and added that he hopes that British tourists will be able to enjoy Cuban warm hospitality when flights safely resume.
During these months, the advice not to travel has been kept under constant review and as of July 4th they have been authorizing their citizens to visit certain countries and territories whose handling of the health crisis has been positive.
Cuba enters that list along with 18 other nations that, according to UK authorities, no longer pose an unacceptably high risk to British traveling abroad.
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