Nature of Holguin, Cuba

The sensitive variation of the rainfall regime in Holguin, joined to the diversity of rocks, ground types and insularity conditions, also a characteristic of our territory; have contributed along with other factors to the existence of a huge endemic flora and fauna, located essentially in protected natural areas.

The landscape of Holguin is a set of tangible , subjective and intangible elements, charged of signs and cultural symbols. It is a platform for dialogue between cultures and men with nature.

Protected Areas in Holguín

Between proposed and declared areas, the provincial system of protected areas of Holguín are: 2 National Parks, 1 Ecological Reserve, 1 Nature Reserve, 4 Managed Floristic Reserves, 2 Featured Natural Elements, 2 Protected Natural Landscapes, 4 Wildlife Refuges and 1 Protected Area of Managed Resources, for a total of 17 areas.  7 of them are of national significance and 10 of local significance.