Weather in Long Key, Isle of Youth.
The average temperature in Long Key is 80.6°F, with possibilities of reaching the 82.4°F during summer. The winter shows values of up to 77.72°F. Rainfall is unusual, yet the 78% of it happens between the months of May and October; the average number of rainy days a year is 40, generally happening between the afternoon and the night. The winds from the East predominate.
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The climate of the Isle of Youth is that of plains and heights with relatively stable seasonal wetting, high evaporation and high temperatures. There are two distinct seasons: a rainy season (May to October) and a less rainy (November to April).
The climate is warm with temperatures fairly stable, with an annual average of 24.8 ° C, July is the warmest month with an average temperature of 27.9 ° C. The coldest month is February with an average of 17.3 º C. The lowest temperature recorded was 6.1 ° C and the highest recorded is 35.1 ° C.
The easterly winds and EN are predominant during the rainy season. Between November and April winds from the north and south alternate.
The annual relative humidity is 80%, being higher in the months of July to November.
The rainfall pattern is affected by local conditions: showers and squalls. The maximum corresponds to the months of June and September with averages of 319 and 240 mm respectively. The minimum was recorded in March and December with averages of 34.8 and 42.3 mm respectively. In the dry season rainfall is contributed by frontal systems (cold fronts) that have the highest influence in the months of January and February. In the rainy season tropical organisms such as depressions, cyclones and hurricanes have a great influence. The cyclone season, as in the rest of the country, is from June 1st to November 30th.