Turistic Information Centers in Matanzas


In the Turistic Information Offices (INFOTUR) of Matanzas you will find at your disposal: Useful information about the Destination Cuba, according to your needs. Also free supports, printed and digital, that will allow you to orientate yourself and choose the best attractions for your enjoyment; besides the sale of maps, road guides and thematic guides, among other services.

You can contact us at:

  • Infotur Calle 13. Ave. 1st and calle 13. Phone: (+53 45) 66 2961/66 2966.
  • International Airport "Juan G. Gómez". Phone: (+53 45) 24 7015
  • Plaza América. Phone: (+53 45) 66 7044
  • Zapata Peninsula, Boca de Guamá

Travel Agencies in Matanzas

In Varadero they have representation of Gaviotatours, Cubatur, ViajesCubanacán, Havanatur, Ecotur and Paradiso. Read more...

Embassies and Consulates in Matanzas

Canadian Consulate

 Phone: (53 45) 61 2078 Fax: (53 45) 66 7395
Email: varadero@international.gc.ca
Address: 13th Street /1st Ave and Camino del Mar, Varadero, Matanzas.

International Legal Consulting

Business Center, Santa Martha, Varadero, Matanzas. Phone: (+5345) 667077
Jovellanos No. 8510 Matanzas Phone: (+5345) 253813