Transportation in Varadero-Matanzas
Buses in Varadero
First of all you have a tourist bus without roof that crosses the city. It's the Beach Tour and it works with the hop on-hop off system. Has 45 busstop all along the peninsula, and you can hop off, stay in that site and then hop on to the next service.
It is a means of transportation that abounds throughout the city and you can stop at the doors of hotels or in the street. All cars have a meter. As in Havana here there is also cocotaxis and they are really fast and picturesque.
They are also popular and can be rented for a walk. They are not usually stopped at the doors of the hotels so if you are interested in walking in one you should ask for it.
Rental of cars, motorcycles and bicycles
There are several rental agencies and you must have a driver's license.
The Varadero Viazul Terminal connects you with the main tourist destinations of the country, in buses of high comfort and with a high professionalism of its workers.
Read more...Rental contacts for cars, motorcycles, bicycles and more ...
Car Rentals Cubacar
Address: Calle 32 y 1ra Ave
Central Reservations 8 am-8pm.
Phone: (+5345) 66 7029/667326
REX Car Rental
Address: Calle 36 and freeway
Phone: (+5345) 662121
TravelCar Services
Car rental with chauffeur
Phone: (+5345) 668885/667359
Rent a Car Transgaviota
Phone: (+ 5345) 614835
Address: Ave.1ra esq. 59, Varadero
Motorcycles and bicycles rent
Address: Calle 38 y 1ra. Ave., Varadero.
Phone: (+5345) 61 3370
For bicycle rentals: Hotel Solymar
Phone: (+5345) 614499
Bus Tour Service
Hop-on mode Hop-off
Varadero Beach Tour
Tel: (+5345) 61 9962/66 8992
Viazul Bus
Address: Calle 36 y Autopista
Phone: (+5345) 614886
Cuba Taxi
Phone: (+5345) 61 4444/61 1616
Transfer: For all cities in the country
And Airports.
Routes to: all sites of the country
Parked at all hotels