Since its beginnings, the Cuban cuisine has been the result of the confluence of factors that allowed the formation of the nationality in the 19th century: the mixture of the Spanish, Aboriginal, African customs and the later influence of Asian and Yucatecan migration.
Among the traditional dishes of this region, we can find “el mollete”, spaghettis Vita Nouva, from San José; “la hayaca” from Quivican, the Jamaca pancake; “la paella” and seafood from Batabanó; El Congo butiffarra and the Roca Azul chicken grillé from Madruga. So, it is compulsory to taste the pina colada cocktail at Peñón del Fraile by foreigners and national visitors.Read more...
Gastronomic facilities
4 Esquinas
Type of food: National
Address: 28st corner to 39, Melena del Sur
Phone: (53) 47505713
Brisas del Caney
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 3a between 18 and 20, San Antonio de las Vegas, San José de las Lajas
Phone: (53) 47899116
Brisas del Trópico
Type of food: National
Address: Av 21, between 18 and 20, Quivicán
Phone: (53) 47425994
Rice House
Type of food: Combined
Address: Vía Blanca No.1718, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone: (53) 47293282
Cuba Libre
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 3a between 18 and 16, San Antonio de las Vegas, San José de las Lajas
Phone: (53) 47899204
Doña Yuya
Type of food: National
Address: Av.25, between 24 and 26, Jaruco
Phone: (53) 47873813
El Árabe
Type of food: Combined
Address: Tapaste Road, Jaruco
Phone: (53) 47873828
El Bambinazo
Type of food: National
Address: 32st and Final, Melena del Sur
El Baturro
Type of food: Combined
Address: Av. 25, between 24 and 26, Jaruco
Phone: (53) 47873638
El Chino
Type of food: Combined
Address: Av. 47, between 54 and 64, San José de las Lajas
Phone: (53) 47864188
El Colosal
Type of food: National
Address: 18st No.1302 between 13 and 15, Vegas, Nueva Paz
Teléfono: (53) 47864188
El Criollito
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 64 and 77, Batabanó
Phone: (53) 47588560
El Gallo
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 9 No.1201 between 12 and 14, Bejucal
Phone: (53) 47681511
El Güajiro
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 9a No.453 between 4a. and 6a, Jibacoa, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone: (53) 47295622
El Moderno
Type of food: National
Address: 28st, between 39 and 41, Melena del Sur
Phone: (53) 47505725
El Nicolareño
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 55 No.3014 , between 30 and 32, San Nicolás
Phone: (53) 47563071
El Patio de Noy
Type of food: National
Address: 14st, between 7a and 9a, Bejucal
Phone: (53) 47681782
El Río
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 91 No.4812 between 48 and 50, Güines
Phone: (53) 47525223
El Saluchín
Type of food: Combined
Address: 76st No.2704 between 27 and 29,La Salud, Quivicán
Phone: (53) 47448149
El Torreón
Type of food: National
Address: 4st, between 3a. and 5a, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone: (53) 47294109
El Dorado
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 25 No.2007 , between 20 and 22, Jaruco
Phone: (53) 47873054
Esquina de Tejas
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 77 No.8006 between 80 and 86,
Phone: (53) 47522744
La Ceiba
Type of food: National
Address: 20st, between 18 and 22 , Aguacate, Madruga
Phone: (53) 47854707
La Criollita
Type of food: National
Address: Av. 71 No.7105,between 71 and 73, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone: (53) 47588107
La Presa
Type of food: National
Address: Vía Blanca, between 17 and 19, Batabanó
Phone: (53) 47293230
Las Columnas
Type of food: National
Address: 12st No.2106, Nueva Paz
Phone: (53) 47544364
Loma de Candela
Type of food: National
Address: San José Road, San José de las Lajas
Phone: (53) 47293109
Las Columnas
Type of food: National
Address: 12st No.2106, Nueva Paz
Phone: (53) 47524281
Los Amigos
Type of food: Combined
Address: Vía Blanca km 49½, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone: (53) 47293109
Mini Parque
Type of food: Combined
Address: Av. 27, between 32 and 34, Madruga
Phone: (53) 47814461
La Parrillada
Type of food: National
Address: 54st, between 45 and 47, San José de las Lajas
Phone: (53) 47867598
Pino Alto
Type of food: National
Address: 40st between 35 and 37, San José de las Lajas
Phone: (53) 47862700
Roca Azúl
Type of food: National
Address: Main Road km 68, Madruga
Phone: (53) 47815350
Vita Nova
Type of food: National
Address: Main Road km 35, San José de las Lajas
Phone: (53) 47864121
Flor de Copey
Type of food: National
Address: Pipián Road, km 1, Madruga
Phone: (53) 47815593
Entity: Palmares
Address: Vía Blanca Km 27 1/2, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone:(53) 47294373
El Colonial
Entity: Palmares
Address: 20st No.3108 and Aguacate, Madruga
Phone: (53) 47854875
El Congo
Entity: Palmares
Address: National Highway Km 44, Güines
Phone: (53) 47522130
El Copey
Entity: Palmares
Address: Main Road Km 72, Madruga
Phone: (53) 47815420
El Pescador
Entity: Palmares
Address: Vía Blanca Km 35 Boca de Jaruco, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone: (53) 47205240
El Peñón del Fraile
Entity: Palmares
Address: Vía Blanca Km 55, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone: (53) 47292321
Habana Club
Entity: Palmares
Address: Vía Blanca km 49, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone: (53) 47292324
Los Morales
Entity: Palmares
Address: National Highway Km 76, Nueva Paz
Phone: (53) 47544521
Mirador de Bacunayagua
Entity: Palmares
Address: Vía Blanca Km 82, Santa Cruz del Norte
Phone: (53) 47204393
Rancho Alto
Entity: Palmares
Address: National Highway Km 26 1/2, San José de las Lajas
Phone: (53) 47895312
9 de Abril
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Via Blanca, Nueva Paz
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 20st No.3112 between 31 and 33 , Aguacate, Madruga
Bajo las Estrellas
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Entronque road, Aguacate, Madruga
Café Framboyant
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Vía Blanca km 49½, Santa Cruz del Norte
Casa Verde
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 68 st No.315, between 5 and 7, Surgidero, Batabanó
Specialty: Light Fooda
Address: Main road Km 51 ½ Catalina de Guines, Güines
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Av. 77 corner to 90, Güines
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 25 st No.1803,between 18 and 20, Jaruco
El Amanecer
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 31st between 34 and 36, Madruga
El Cangre
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Av. 77, el Cangre, Güines
El Conejito
Specialty: Light Food
Address: National highway, km 79, Nueva Paz
El Nucay
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 76st No.8134 between 91 and 81, Güines
El Nuevo Mundo
Specialty: Light Fooda
Address: Av. 91 corner to 90
El Parque
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Av. 55 between 64 and 66 , Río Seco, Güines
El Rápido
Specialty: Light Food
Entity: CIMEX
Address: Av. 25, between 22 and 24, Jaruco
El Rápido
Specialty: Light Food
Entity: CIMEX
Address: 25st, between Av. 45 and Av. 47, Melena del Sur
El Sabor
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Av. 27,between 8a. and 10, Bejucal
El Vista Alegre
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 10st No.1001 between 11 and 9, Bejucal
Juguera Delicias Lajeras
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 47st, between 54 and 48, San José de las Lajas
La Concha
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Tapaste Main road, Microbrigada, San José de las Lajas
La Esquina
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 104st corner to 49, San José de las Lajas
La Felicidad
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Av. 11, between 8a and 10, Río Blanco, Jaruco
La Riviera
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 91st No.4811,between 48 and 50, Güines
Las Delicias
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 64st, between 71 and 73, Batabanó
Las Palmeras
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Vía Blanca km. 64 , Santa Cruz del Norte
Las Ruinas
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Ave 47 and 54 , San José de las Lajas
Los Pinos Nuevos
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 9st No.1002 between 10 and 12, Bejucal
Parador Rancho Alto
Specialty: Light Food
Entity: Palmares
Address: Autopista Nacional Km 26, entrada a Rancho Alto, San José de las Lajas
Pizzería Rivieras del Mayabeque
Specialty: Light Food (Italian)
Address: Ave. 41 corner to 28, Melena del Sur
Specialty: Light Food
Entity: Palmares
Address: Playa La Rotilla, Santa Cruz del Norte
Rumbo a Jaruco
Specialty: Light Food
Entity: Palmares
Address: 25 st, between 2 and 4 , Jaruco
Rumbo a José
Specialty: Light Food
Entity: Palmares
Address: 47 st, between 54 and 64, San José de las Lajas
San Nicolás
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Ave. 55 and 42 , San Nicolás
Specialty: Light Food
Address: Ave. 13, corner to 15 , Bejucal
Specialty: Light Food
Address: 36st, between 55 and 57, San Nicolás