Geography of Granma


In the southwest portion of the eastern region of the island of Cuba, is Granma province. It limits to the North with the provinces of Las Tunas and Holguín, to the East with those of Holguín and Santiago de Cuba to the South with Santiago de Cuba and the Caribbean Sea and to the West with the Gulf of Guacanayabo. Its territory covers an area of ​​8, 362 km² - it does not include the cays that have an extension of 9.6 square kilometers - which constitutes 7.5% of the total area of ​​the country.

The geography of Granma is characterized by the harmonic contrast between the plain and the mountain. In its limits are enclosed many of the highest peaks of the Cuban territory, next to the immeasurable vastness of the Cauto plain, one of the most extensive and uniform in the country.

La Sierra Maestra rises in the South, occupying a third of its territory, the very backbone of the eastern geography. The maximum elevation of Granma is La Bayamesa peak at 1,730 meters above sea level. From the mountain range pour all the most important rivers of the province. Among them, in first place, El Cauto, which is Cuba´s longest river, and the rivers Cautillo, Bayamo, Buey, Jicotea, Yara, Jibacoa, and Vicana, among others. Mota and Macío rivers stand out on the southern slopes of La Sierra Maestra.